Collaborating 4 Change (C4C) Business Development

The Office for Civil Society (OCS) has made up to £30 million available in short-term funding to provide better support for front line civil society organisations by transforming local infrastructure services.

Transforming Local Infrastructure (TLI) funded partnerships of local infrastructure organisations to rationalise and transform the support services which they provide to front line civil society organisations.

The Fund supports activities such as:

  • Local collaboration and consolidation making efficiency savings and creating more effective organisations through asset consolidation, merger of back-office functions and shared services
  • Redesign and integration of services to meet the changing needs of groups and communities, so they are valued and supported locally, and play a crucial role in brokerage
  • Better links with local business; more peer to peer support within local voluntary sector, and stronger partnership with the local statutory bodies, particularly the relevant local authority
  • sustainability in the long-term without ongoing support from central government

The West London TLI programme is called Collaborating for Change (C4C) and covers five boroughs: Hillingdon, Brent, Ealing, Harrow and Hounslow.